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Small Steps to Help Employees do More

A large part of employee success is a direct reflection of the culture, style and attitude displayed within the management sector of a business. So matching management styles with employee goals will promote success and employee satisfaction. This will help unlock and attain employees’ aspirations.

The best way to achieve alignment and success is to continually strive to build trusting relationships between employers and employees. Developing trust will enable employees to feel empowered in their jobs, take responsibility and invest effort into their success.

Three ways to develop trust include:

  • Talk openly and honestly about business operations.
  • Develop a strong line of communication where open discussion, constructive criticism, and positive reinforcement are highly valued.
  • Be fair, objective and consistent with employee relations and policies.

Not only does building trust and mutual respect within the work environment improve performance, it builds a positive company reputation and worth. One study determined that treatment of employees directly affected a company’s stock performance and market valuation. Give more respect and trust and you build more worth and a better reputation. Building trust helps employees know the value and importance of the work they do. Empowered employees are as likely to care about the success of a business as do the employers. This is a win-win situation.

Productivity Roadblocks: Eliminate Them

Many times, even the most well trained employees cannot perform to expectations. Obstacles beyond their control limit their capacity to produce. Stress and frustration develop as a result and thus, productivity plummets. Identifying and removing roadblocks will greatly strengthen and improve performance, employee satisfaction, motivation and ultimately, employee productivity.

Ways to Eliminate Roadblocks

  1. Show employees the value they bring to a company. Demonstrate their contributions and importance, and recognize their efforts.
  2. Establish procedures to effectively strengthen positive aspects of employee performance and identify areas where further education or training may lead to improvement.
  3. Create a culture and work environment where employees are comfortable. Provide employees with proper equipment and work areas where efficiency is maximized. Ensure safety procedures are followed and are strictly adhered to.
  4. Clearly communicate employee expectations. Failing to do so will create misunderstandings, overlapping responsibilities, or failed production. Make sure employees know all responsibilities directly related to their jobs.

Steps to Stimulate Productivity

  1. Create flexible work assignments so that employees can best fit their skills with the desired tasks.
  2. Give employees responsibility in decision making and in developing, planning and completing tasks. Challenge them to challenge themselves.
  3. Give individual, focused, immediate, and honest attention to positively reinforce employees’ good habits, actions and successes. Small compliments will go a long way in making them feel the importance and success of their work. Often, just a small gesture such as a memo, e-mail or brief comment to an employee will achieve this desired result.
  4. Help employees learn new techniques or develop new approaches to improve areas of weakness. Help them develop themselves while showing them the importance of the work they do.
  5. Promote opportunities to advance employee education, training or career development.
  6. Help employees feel ownership and pride in their work by giving them trust. Giving them freedom and trust in accomplishing tasks will improve productivity and satisfaction. Be open to suggestions and constructive criticism. Remember that your way is not always the best and most effective way.
  7. Reduce or remove all barriers to productivity such as the wrong or bad equipment, poor work environment, poor organization, poor training, and poor communication with employees.
Brought to you by ManagedPAY January 2021

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