How can you have trouble tracking employee hours and overtime? Let us count the ways:…
Employee classifications are based on job duties and responsibilities. The classifications impact compensation, benefits and…
You may be hearing lots of talk about the importance of being a good strategic…
A group that strives for harmony and consensus in its major decisions faces a dilemma.…
Start with the idea that 20 days of leave are the bare minimum for staff.…
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against people with…
On-call employees are required by their employers to be available for work even during the…
White-Collar Overtime Exemptions Under the FLSA PURPOSE While the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that most…
Business groups sued the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) in a federal district court in…
A well-thought-out payroll policy outlines the payroll process, determines salaries and wages, sets procedures for…